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Kindle serial number lookup - Identify Kindle model


If you love to read, your Amazon Kindle is probably one of the most important devices in your life, and all important devices are showered with loads of tender loving accessories. Identifying your Kindle model is an essential step in the determination of which Skin or case it is compatible with.

Confusing Kindles

The naming convention of Kindle models can be confusing; In the beginning, Amazon named their Kindle devices based on the iteration of each sub category but at some point, they started using their Kindle (basic) as the baseline when referring to the generation of the model.

For example, the Paperwhite 4 that was released in 2018 was initially called the Paperwhite 4th generation as it was the 4th iteration of the Paperwhite model, but Amazon subsequently called this the Paperwhite (10th Generation) because it was part of the 10th generation family of Kindles that were released in 2018-2019.

In other words, depending on who you ask, the same device can be called either the Paperwhite 4th generation or Paperwhite 10th generation. All of this gets even more exciting when you throw in the iterations and name variations of every Kindle sub category, such as the Kindle Oasis, Kindle (basic) and other adventures such as the Voyager or Touch.

Amazon maintained the Kindle naming convention based on the Kindle family generation for several years (eg, 10th Gen across all Kindles in 2019), but started to change it again from 2022. The Kindle Scribe was launched in 2022 as the "Kindle Scribe 1st generation - 2022 release", instead of the "Kindle Scribe (11th Generation)".

In 2024, the "Kindle Scribe 1st generation - 2024 release" and the "Kindle (11th Generation) - 2024 release" were launched, which was Amazon's way of saying that these new releases were very similar to the previous 1st Gen Scribe and 11th Gen Kindle that they replaced as they were the same "generation". They also released a "Kindle Paperwhite (12th Generation) - 2024 release", which was a generation ahead of the previous "Kindle Paperwhite 11th Generation" because it featured a larger 7-inch screen (vs 6.8-inch).

2024 also saw the release of the "Kindle Colorsoft (1st Generation) - 2024 release".

Determine your Kindle model

Identifying your Kindle model correctly is a simple task if you know where to look.

Find Kindle model and serial in device info

Find your Kindle model and serial number

Tap Menu > Settings > Device Options > Device Info

Find Kindle model and serial in device info

The Kindle model number shown here is "Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation)" and has a serial number that starts with "G001".

On recent Kindles, identifying your Kindle model can be as easy as tapping:

  1. Menu (the 3 dots on the top right)
  2. Settings
  3. Device Options
  4. Device Info

The Kindle model name shown here is "Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation)".

If you have an older model, you can still identify your Kindle model by comparing the first few digits of your Kindle's serial number with our Kindle database.

Find your Kindle serial number

Every Kindle has a unique serial number that identifies the device. The first few characters of the serial number can be used to determine the model of your Kindle by searching our Kindle database.

On recent Kindles, the Kindle serial number can be viewed on the screen at:

  1. Menu (the 3 dots on the top right)
  2. Settings
  3. Device Options
  4. Device Info

On older Kindle models, this serial number is printed on the back of your Kindle.

Serial number on old kindle

The Kindle serial number shown here starts with "B003".

Find your Kindle information online

You can also find your Kindle model and serial number online in the account section of Amazon's website by clicking:

  1. Account (from menu on top right)
  2. Content and Devices (from menu on top right)
  3. Devices (from tab menu on top left)
  4. Kindle

List Kindle devices on Amazon

List your Kindle devices

Click > Account > Content and Devices > Devices > Kindle

List Kindle devices on Amazon

Click on your Kindle device to reveal the serial number.

View Kindle model and serial number on Amazon

View Kindle model and serial number on Amazon

Click > Account > Content and Devices > Devices > Kindle

View Kindle model and serial number on Amazon

The Kindle model shown here is "Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation)" and has a serial number that starts with "G001".

The Kindle model shown here is "Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation)" and has a serial number that starts with "G001".

Kindle model database

Kindle seriesKindle modelSerial number starts withGenerationYear
Kindle ColorsoftKindle Colorsoft Signaure Edition (1st Generation, 2024 Release)1st2024
Kindle ScribeKindle Scribe (1st Generation, 2024 Release)1st2024
Kindle Scribe (1st Generation, 2022 Release)G00227, G0023L, G0023M, G0923L, G0923M1st2022
Kindle OasisKindle Oasis (10th Generation)G000WL, G000WM, G000WN, G000WP, G000WQ, G0011L10th2019
Kindle Oasis (9th Generation)G000P1, G000P8, G000S1, G000S2, G000SA9th2017
Kindle Oasis (8th Generation)G0B0GC, G0B0GD, G0B0GR, G0B0GT, G0B0GU8th2016
Kindle PaperwhiteKindle Paperwhite (12th Generation, 2024 Release)12th2024
Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (12th Generation, 2024 Release)12th2024
Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation)G001PX, G0021A, G002DK, G8S1PX, G8S2DK11th2021
Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation) Kids11th2021
Kindle Paperwhite (11th Generation) Signature EditionG001LG, G00219, G002BH, G8S21911th2021
Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation)G000PP, G000T1, G000T2, G000T3, G000T6, G00102, G00103, G0016Q, G0016R, G0016S, G0016T, G0016U, G0016V, G8S0PP, G8S0T6, G8S16Q, G8S16T, G8S16V10th2018
Kindle Paperwhite (7th Generation)G090G1, G090G2, G090G4, G090G5, G090G6, G090G7, G090KB, G090KC, G090KE, G090KF, G090LK, G090LL7th2015
Kindle Paperwhite (6th Generation)9017, 905A, 905F, 9060, 9061, 9062, 90D4, 90D5, 90D6, 90D7, 90D8, 90F2, B017, B05A, B05F, B060, B061, B062, B0D4, B0D5, B0D6, B0D7, B0D8, B0F26th2013
Kindle Paperwhite (5th Generation)B00C, B01B, B01C, B01D, B01F, B020, B0245th2012
KindleKindle (11th Generation, 2024 Release)11th2024
Kindle (11th Generation, 2022 Release)G002AP, G002AQ, G092AP11th2022
Kindle (10th Generation)G090WF, G090WH, G0910L10th2019
Kindle (10th Generation) Kids EditionG090VB10th2019
Kindle (8th Generation)G000K9, G000KA8th2016
Kindle (7th Generation)90C6, 90DD, B0C6, B0DD7th2014
Kindle Voyage (7th Generation)9013, 9052, 9053, 9054, B013, B02A, B04F, B052, B053, B0547th2014
Kindle (5th Generation)B0125th2012
Kindle (4th Generation)9023, B00E, B0234th2011
Kindle Touch (4th Generation)B00F, B010, B0114th2011
Kindle Keyboard (3rd Generation)B006, B008, B00A3rd2010
Kindle (2nd Generation)B002, B0032nd2009
Kindle DX (2nd Generation)B004, B005, B0092nd2009
Kindle (1st Generation)B001, B1011st2007

Updated on 17 October 2024
